Refrain We are invincible. Easily convincible. It's the lemming principle. 1) We are going to bask in glory tomorrow morning Even though we are to be strung out on a shoestring. We'll all dance around the new found warrior king. Even though he robs us blind leaving not a thing. 2) The common moron bangs on his victory tamborine. But all his hopes have been put into quarantine. He dresses in a funny suit just like Halloween. But it is just a line up for the guillotine. 3) Let's all pan for gold here on this bed of roses. We'll pull it out and balance it on our noses. The water is parted by our brave new world Moses. But the only door to our own thoughts he closes. 4) The great G-string of glory hangs out of the sky. Between the cheerleaders and the cynics it is held precisely. Dare not question the executioner who asks politely. If the last teaspoon of bile slipped down quite nicely.
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The Lemming Principle
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Refrain We are invincible. Easily convincible. It's the lemming principle. 1) We are going to bask in glory tomorrow morning Even though we are to be strung out on a shoestring. We'll all dance around the new found warrior king. Even though he robs us blind leaving not a thing. 2) The common moron bangs on his victory tamborine. But all his hopes have been put into quarantine. He dresses in a funny suit just like Halloween. But it is just a line up for the guillotine. 3) Let's all pan for gold here on this bed of roses. We'll pull it out and balance it on our noses. The water is parted by our brave new world Moses. But the only door to our own thoughts he closes. 4) The great G-string of glory hangs out of the sky. Between the cheerleaders and the cynics it is held precisely. Dare not question the executioner who asks politely. If the last teaspoon of bile slipped down quite nicely.